DecisionRules & Docker container — the solution you need
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2021


Does your business require optimal security and privacy of your data? Does your business policy allow using tools only on the private cloud? Or do you just simply prefer to use on-premise infrastructure than to use the tools as SaaS? We are listening to our customer’s needs and this is why you can deploy DecisionRules via Docker Containers.

What is Docker Container?

Docker is a compact operating tool that lets you deploy DecisionRules in your own environment. No matter if you use an on-premise or cloud-based solution (AWS or Azure). So, whenever you download the DecisionRules Docker container, you will get a software package for front-end or back-end containers. The only prerequisites you need to have are Redis cache and MongoDB, this allows you to install DecisionRules quickly and cost-effectively in any environment.

Showcase DecisionRules

Due to Docker containers, anybody can simply download the DecisionRules app script and configure it to your environment in a short amount of time. We have prepared for you a Showcase package to try DecisionRules. The package includes Server, Client, Redis Cache, and MongoDB. Run the showcase in a few steps:

1) Install Docker Desktop

2) Open Command-Line and insert this text:

3) Once you have downloaded and launched the containers, you will need to open the following Url: http://localhost in your browser

4) Get your 30-day trial license key

Client & Server App

How did you like the showcase of DecisionRules? Are you ready for another step? We have prepared the Client container to deliver the front-end app and the Server container which provides all the back-end functionalities. Our solution has low software and hardware requirements on containers.

DecisionRules Dockers can be deployed on private clouds AWS and Azure, or just run in your own server.

The containers are set according to the environmental variables. Before launching the containers, all variables can be set either in the docker-compose configuration file or as a command-line parameter.

Do you want to use SSO to log in? No problem at all, the SAML ENTRY POINT and SAML ISSUER environment variables can be found in the docker-compose configuration file or added to the container before it is started from the command line to enable this feature.

To find out more, check our documentation or visit If you have any further questions or demo inquiry contact us at

Thank you for reading, 🚀



Business rule engine that lets you create and deploy business rules in a secure and scalable cloud.